Sunday, March 16, 2014

Week 51 - Rebar, Concrete and Marble

With the grading prepared in the front yard, the contractors prepared all the form-work, installed all the rebar, and poured the concrete to make up the front retaining wall along Roosevelt Way, the two planters along Park Hill and the front entry step and stoop.  Below are pictures of the progress showing the rebar and some of the board formed concrete.  The form-work will be removed this coming week and we will be able to see all the board formed concrete.

This week we also saw the delivery and installation of the marble counter tops in the kitchen and master bathroom.  The marble is Calacatta Caldia and we purchased two bookended slabs that were cut to form the kitchen counter, island and master bathroom counter.

1 comment:

  1. we have direct access to stone of unmatched beauty and rarity and with over 25 years of building experience, in-house architect and a complete supply, design and installation service. We can then advise you on a suitable stone for your project, ensure the quality and therefore provide you the best value for your natural stone choice.

    Marble Sinks
